Hands-on Learning and Digital Literacy Skill
HaritaDhara Research Development and Education Foundation (HRDEF) organized a program on Interactive Hands-on Learning from 13th Dec., 2017 – 12th Mar., 2018 for school students who are finding difficulties in understanding subject’s concepts and having fewer opportunities. Under its GOAL program and Alternative Education project such students undergone interactive learning experience with various hands-on, game based activities for learning science, maths, and other subjects concepts at two learning centers one at its campus and other at Brahmawala Khala. Training program linked with curriculum of science, maths, English, geography, disaster management through different tasks and teaching with hands-on, game, and multimedia approach made concepts learning easier and understandable to students. Today, HRDEF started a new batch of Digital Learning Skill project inaugurated by former Chief Engineer of U.P. Coop. Sugar Shri Vijay Kumar which is free for students from low income background.
NavUrja Sanchar a unit of HRDEF and registered with VIPNET, Vigyanprasar, DST, Govt. of India upgraded to Silver category. Dr. Manisha Agarwal, Director and Coordinator received award for hands-on learning during Two day event at the NCERT, New Delhi on 28th Feb., 2018 on the occasion of National Technology Day. We are grateful to Dr. Arvind C. Ranede, VIPNET, Shri Aditya Pundir, Suman, Neetu, and Prayanshi for their support.