HaritaDhara Research Development and Education Foundation
A non-profit organization registered under the Companies Act 2013 as section 8 company
Partial list of Publications

Paper presentation on Decade of Action, SDGs and Building Sustainability through Educational Games, and Hands-on Activities during the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development (IC-SD), on 19th Sep. 2023
Published short paper and presentation in SHWID workshop during INTERACT 2023 on Sustainable Innovations for Lifestyle, SDGs, and Greening Education on 29th Aug. 2023
Reimagining Education for SDG 4.7 and Sustainable Future, Education and Sustainability, Centre for Sustainable Development, Earth Institute, Columbia University, Oct. 2020
An Analytical Report on Sustainable School, DRR, and 21st Century Skills Development Innovations submitted to Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of Uttarakhand, Aug. 2020 [as part of a MOU]
Climate Action for Sustainable Development by Youth, during Nav Bharat Nirman, India International Science Festival (IISF), Nov. 2019 Kolkata
Maker and Game Based Learning for Sustainability, SDGs, 9-10 Mar. 2019, selected for FabLearn 2019 – 8th Annual Conference on Maker Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
Game Based Approach for Learning of Medicinal Plants, 14-16 Dec. 2018, selected for 9th National Teachers Science Congress, NCSTC, DST, GoI
Integrating STEM+ and Sustainability Concepts for Youth and Community, 15-17 Nov. 2018 TECH 2018, UNESCO MGIEP
Educational Games for Learning Sustainability Concepts by Youth and Community, 16-18 Dec. 2017 TECH 2017, UNESCO MGIEP
Sustainable Employable Skills for 21st Century Professionals, All India Seminar on Brighter Career through Professionals Skills Enhancement, 2-3 Nov. 2015, IEI, UKSC, UTU, Dehradun, pg. 26-30
"ALANKRIT" Model for Environmental Education and Planning in World Engineers Summit 2015: Sustainable Urban Development for Global Climate Resilience, Singapore
Human Computer Interaction and Public Communication, Invited Speaker for 4th Vigyan Sancharak Sammelan at 98th Indian Science Congress during 3 – 7 Jan. 2011 at SRM University, Chennai
How to write research paper at the AICTE SDP at GEIT in Dec. 2007
Digital Transition: New Mechanism for ‘Information’ Handling and its Social Impact, National Conf. On Library and Information Science and Technology, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Feb. 2003

Exhibitor in Science through Games and Toys at 8th India International Science Fair, 21-24 Jan. 2023 Learning Resource Centre, MANIT, Bhopal organized by CSIR-4PI, Vigyan Bharti, MoST, MoE, DoS, DAE, UNESCO, RCB, Govt. of MP | Selected for 7th IISF 2022 at Goa,
Poster during Akash for Life, National Conference & Exhibition at Uttaranchal University Campus, Dehradun organized by ISRO, different Ministries, Govt. of India, Vibha, Nov., 2022
Participation in State Consultation Event on Citywide Inclusive Sanitation in Uttarakhand, 19 Oct. 2022 at Dehradun, organized by NIUA, SCBP, SBM, Govt. of Uttarakhand
Panel Member for NIUA, BORDA South Asia: Forum on Inclusive and Resilient Sanitation in Hilly Cities, 14-15 July 2022 at Leh, Ladakh
Global Children's Designathon (GCD Nov., 2019), we partnered with Designathon Works, The Netherlands as among 39 cities around the world with 1.200 children working in parallel to design solution around Food and Climate Action. The event's main focus was on zero hunger, climate action, food wastage, land use (SDG 2, 3, 12, 13, 15).
Global Goals Jam 2018 @HRDEF for Smart City Dehradun, Blog published by Digital Society School, Netherlands in Oct., 2018
Participation in Workshop on Implementation of SDGs in Uttarakhand, 28-29 May 2018
Implementation of 2030 Agenda: SDGs Practices in India, Blog published by Together 2030 in Dec. 2017
Institutionalizing the SDGs: An Indian Approach, Blog published by Together 2030 in Dec. 2016
India's Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), Blog published by SDSN Youth in Dec., 2015

Book - Wood Anatomy of Sapindales, Publisher, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, 2008, Dehradun
Our Spices, Curiosity, VIPNET, VigyanPrasar, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI publication, Nov., 2020
Wood Anatomy of Anacardiaceae from India with special reference to systematic position of Rhus, International Association of Wood Anatomist (IAWA), 2008
Occurrence of different perforations in perforated ray cells and vessels of Indian Elaeocarpaceae’ Indian Forester, 2007
Diagnostic importance of crystals in woods of family Anacardiaceae’. Indian Forester Vol.132 (2) 188-196, 2006
Intrusive cavities in fibres of Indian woods’. Indian Forester Vol.131(12) 1602-1608, 2005
Wood Microstructure of Indian Staphyleaceae with particular references to unusual type of perforated ray cell’. Indian Forester Vol. 131(8), 2005
Xylotomic study of the family Sapindaceae: Microstructure, Systematics and Ecological trends’. Indian Forester Vol. 131(8), 2005
Perforated ray cells in Pistacia terebinthus- A new record for Anacardiaceae’. Indian Forester Vol.128 (5), 2002
Medicinal Woods of India with Special Reference to Woods from Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan Tract of India in International Conference on the Art and Joy or Wood. held at Bangalore, (October, 19-22, 2011 )
Xylotomy of Indian Hippocastanaceae with Special remarks on their Systematic Position in Indian Science Congress, (3-7th Jan., 2010)
Xylotomy of Indigeneious Species of Gluta L., and Melanarrohea wallich with Special remarks on their systematic position in Indian Botanical Society XXXII Annual Conference at Kuvempu University (December, 28 – 30, 2009)
Ecological adaptations in the microstructure of Indian Woods: A Case Study of the family Anacardiaceae in Tropical Ecology Congress 2007, held at Dehradun (2-5 December, 2007)

1. Multidimensional Nature of ‘Information’: Computation and Cognitive Perspective, LAP Publishing, Germany, 2013
2. Editor, Proceedings of All India Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualization, and Optimization Technologies, IEI, UKSC, Mar., 2012
Indian Scientific Wisdom and Ecological World View in Seminar organized by ISCOS, ISWA in Feb., 2016
Understanding UI design for Creative Writing: A Pilot Evaluation in INTERACT 2015 Adjunct Proceedings: 15th IFIP TC 13, University of Bamburg Press
Empirical Evaluation of Complex System Interfaces for Power Plant Control Room using Human Work Interaction Design Framework, IFIP AICT 407, Springer Book series Human Work Interaction Design, pp. 90-97, 2013
Embodied Cognition, Human Computer Interaction and Application Areas, SIP/ICHCI Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 342, pg. 369-374, 2012
Invited Talk - User Interface Design from Cognition Perspective at the IEI, UKSC on 30th April, 2012
Data Mining for Effective Access of Data in Networked Societies: A Case Study of Study of Digital Library, in the National Conference Proceeding on Application and Trends in Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Data Modeling, Dehradun, 9 -10 Feb. 2008
Design of Information System Interfaces: Using Human Computer Interaction and Cognitive System Engineering Paradigm, 2nd Uttarakhand Science Congress, Nainital, 15- 17 Nov. 2007
Embodiment: A Link for Vision, Experience, and Consciousness, accepted for presentation in the International Conf. on Toward a Science of Consciousness 2007: Brain Embodiment, Experience, Organized by Hungarian Cognitive Science Foundation, Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA and the Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science, Budapest, Hungary, from 23–26 July 2007
Human Computer Interaction and Cognition Role in Universal Design, in the proceedings of International Conf. on Intelligent Systems & Networks IISN 2007, Eds. Prof. Shakti Kumar et. al., Organized by Computational Intelligence Lab., Society for Educational and Research (SER) and Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management & Technology, Jagadhri, Haryana, 23 – 25 Feb. 2007 pg. 62 – 65
Information Access and Management in Digital Libraries, in the International Conf. CALIBER 2007 on Information and Knowledge Management in Networked World, Organized by INFLIBNET, UGC and Panjab University, Chandigarh, 8 -10 Feb. 2007
Ubiquitous Computing at the AICTE SDP at GEIT in Dec. 2007
Embodied Cognition: An Approach for Human Computer Interaction, National Conf. on Human Computer Interaction, PG Dept. of Computer Science, Kongu Arts & Science College, Erode, Feb. 2007
Information and Object: A Multidisciplinary View, CSI Communications, Vol 30, Issue 5, Aug. 2006
Situated and Augmented Cognition: Brain in action – A Critique presented at International Symposium on Building the Brain, organized by National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Manesar, Haryana, 15 – 18 Dec. 2003
Ubiquitous Bits: Implementation and Accessibility, presented at the workshop on Accessibility and Inclusive Design in Intl. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, IFIP TC 13 from 1 –5 Sep. 2003
Can Vision Provide Answers to Consciousness presented at International Conf. On Theoretical Neurobiology, organized by NBRC, Manesar, Haryana, 24–26 Feb.2003
Invited Lecture on “fMRI and Consciousness” in the International Workshop on “NMR, Brain Function, Psychological Processes and Human Behaviour”, organized by CBCS, University of Allahabad and SGPGI, Lucknow at IIP, Dehradun, 25 June - 3 July 2003

Krishi-Bharti: An Interface for Indian Farmer, Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2014 IEEE, 259-263

Artificial Neural Networks for Internal Combustion Engine Performance and Emission Analysis in International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 87, No. 6, Feb. 2014
Artificial Neural Networks Based Methodologies For Optimization of Engine Operations in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2012 (ISSN 2229-5518)

Water Management in Hilly Region for Sustainable Management, Blog published by TEACH SDGs in Nov., 2018
Design of Decision Support System for Management of Water Resources in a River Basin for Sustainable Development, All India Seminar on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, 12-13 June, 2015 at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, pg. 68-75
Public Perception and Environment Mitigation of Hydro Power for Sustainable Development in International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development organized by Govt. of UK. AHEC, IIT, Roorkee from 05 – 07 Feb., 2015
A serious game for serious issues using Aqua Republica for sustainable water by UNEP-DHI, 2017
A Framework of Information Technology for Water Resources Management in Intl. Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Vol. 30, No. 5, Sep. 2011
GIS Applications for Hydro Power Generation, Distribution, and Transmission Studies with reference to River Basin in All India Seminar AIVOT, Mar. 2012
Role of Information Systems for Water Resources Management, in National Seminar on Remote Sensing & GIS and its Applications in Water Resources Management organized by CGWB on 15-16 March, 2011 at Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun

Solar Power Trends and Challenges for Uttarakhand in All India Seminar on Solar Power Trends at IEI, UKSC with special mention of Floating Solar Power in reservoir suitable for Uttarakhand on 29-30 Nov., 2018

Monitoring of Landslides for Char Dham Yatra through remote sensing and GIS with reference to river basin in All India workshop on remedial measures for landslides in state highway of Uttarakhand Char Dham Yatra at UAA, Nainital on (June 22, 2012)

Definitions of Terms used in our Work
Accessibility - Refers to the provision of non-discriminatory access to all members of the community
Agenda 21 - A framework of political recommendations designed to protect the environment and encourage nations to move towards achieving sustainable development in the 21st century.
Anaerobic digestion - A naturally occurring process of decomposition and decay, were organic matter is broken down to a simpler chemical component under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen).
Anthropogenic - Produced by human activity
Biodiversity - The range and interaction of species and their habitats within an ecosystem and the physical environment and processes necessary for that interaction.
Bio-gas - The bio-fuel substitute for natural gas. It derives from organic waste materials including animal waste and waste generated from municipal, commercial and industrial sources through the process of anaerobic digestion.
Biomass - The total mass of all living organisms within a biological community
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) - The process of capturing carbon that is emitted from energy production and diverting it into ground storage areas, to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) - UN regulated scheme that allows countries with an emission-reduction or emission-limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol to implement an emission-reduction project in developing countries.
Carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) - The internationally recognized way of expressing the amount of global warming of a particular greenhouse gas in terms of the amount of CO2 required achieving the same warming effect over 100 years.
Carbon footprint - is the amount of carbon emissions generated by individuals, businesses, or nations
Carbon offsetting - The process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing credits from others through emissions reductions projects, or carbon trading schemes. The term often refers to voluntary acts, arranged by a commercial carbon offset provider.
Carbon sink - An absorber of carbon dioxide; oceans and forests are natural carbon sinks.
Carbon zero - This is to reduce all carbon emission to zero by good practice, not including offsetting.
Cradle-to-cradle design - A product design method in which all material components are put back into service perpetually, therefore resulting in no waste product, input and outputs are seen either as technical or biological nutrients. Technical nutrients can be recycled or reused with no loss of quality and biological nutrients are composted or consumed.
Critical thinking - An essential tool of inquiry that involves interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference and synthesis, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgement is based.
Cultural diversity - The cultural differences that exist between people, such as language, dress, and traditions, and the way societies organize themselves, their conception of morality and religion, and the way they interact with the environment.
Ecological footprint - The total area of productive land and water required, on a continuous basis, to produce the resources consumed, and to assimilate the wastes produced, by that population, wherever on Earth the land (and water) is located.
Global warming - Is most often used to refer to the greenhouse gas effect caused by human activities.
Greenhouse effect - Gases produced naturally and by human activities that have contributed to the warming of the planet, known as Global warming, by trapping the sun’s rays.
Habitat - The place or environment where a plant or biological naturally or normally lives and grows
Intelligent building – Automated system for improved performance and cost savings through conservation of energy and other sources
Intelligent transport system – Through information communication technology (ICT) managing traffic, enhanced access to public transport services, and congestion
Just-in-time (JIT) - Movement of goods or part finished store to next point in the supply chain just as it is required for use or consumption.
Lifelong learning - A broad concept where education that is flexible, diverse and available at different times and places is pursued throughout life
Solar Panels - Cover two areas of generation: 1) Solar thermal or solar water heating panels which is used to heat water. 2) Solar electric which is used to produce electricity also known as photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar cells that convert light into electricity
Sustainability - Now a widely accepted definition, the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 said sustainability means: Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Triple Bottom Line - People, Planet and Profit - the idea being that environmental quality and social equity are just as important as black ink at the bottom of the ledger.
Waste-to-Energy - The practice of processing waste products to generate steam, heat, or electricity.
Water footprint - The total volume of freshwater that is used to produce goods and services consumed by an individual, community, nation or planet